It’s a Good Day

It’s not easy to surrender to spontaneity. I woke at 5 am in Miami today anxious to get back to my morning routine after the previous day of travel with my family for spring break. I got dressed and scrambled around the dark condo looking for the gym card. After 20mins of turning the place upside down, I decided to head for the beach instead to run and meditate. What a blessing.

It was dark and windy but the ocean air and sand under my feet brought my senses to life and I felt connected. Following my run, I sat in peace before the sunrise and engaged in deep meditation. I opened my eyes to the soft voice of a kind lady holding a yoga mat asking if I wanted to join a yoga class just steps away in the sand from where I decided to sit.

The sun was rising now and the ocean began to shimmer and glow. I was now part of a group of a dozen beautiful souls meditating and enjoying the enchanting sound of the leader’s singing bowl. We started the practice by raising our arms and gazed at the sky, smiling and being thankful to be alive today. Just wow. Despite not being equipped with a towel or mat, I continued the practice and felt the tension in my back release. In Savasana, a light sun shower began to fall to symbolically end this experience.

I returned to the condo, made breakfast for everyone and sat down to catch up on work and write.  As my wife and kids prepared to head to the pool for the morning, they encountered the same issue I had hours before, no card! After a few minutes, I stood up to help join the hunt. As I stood up, the key literally dropped from my barefoot that it was stuck to under the table I was sitting at…!! It’s a good day.

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